7 Ways On How To Be An Interesting Public Speaker

How to be an impactful public speaker tip By 36 HR Training & Consultancy

Speaking publicly is mankind’s number 1 greatest fear, and many would rather die than to speak on stage. Yet, in our careers, we often have to speak publicly or present in front of large audiences. If you have to speak publicly as a job, or as a passion, and are unsure of how you can become an interesting public speaker – the following public speaking techniques and tips, extracted from my Dynamic Public Speaking Course in Singapore (2 days), will help you:

►►Learn From Steve Jobs On How To Improve Public Speaking Skills
►►Tips To Deliver Impactful Presentations
Here are additional Tips On How To Be An Interesting Public Speaker

How to be an interesting public speaker tip - find out what the audience wants - By 36 HR and Consultancy

1. Find out what your audience wants – remember WIIIFT – What’s In It For Them.
Why should they care about what you say? What keeps them awake at night? Make it a point to link your message to their needs. The more you are appear interested in their concerns (and provide a solution to your audience needs), the more they are interested in what you say too!
In the book Marketing and Selling Professional Services (by Kogan Page), there was a true story about a sales pitch for which the firm of architects involved prepared slides to show to the committee of a charity for the blind. They prepared their presentation extensively only to find that the audience were all blind, and the slides could not be used, and they did not have a contingency plan. Know your audience before you present!

How to be interesting public speaker tip - make your audience the star - By 36 HR and Training

2. Make your audience the STAR!
Don’t just focus on your content – think of your presentation or public speech as making your audience the star. Engage them, connect with them. For example, if you wish to send an email message to your most important client, you do not just click on the ‘SEND’ button. First you must ensure your computer is ‘connected’ to the WiFi before you send the message. Likewise, spend time to connect with the audience.

Public speaking tip - change every 10 mins

3. Vary something or your mode of delivery every 10 minutes.
There are too many things that will distract your audience today – whether it’s their unfinished work/email or family issues, or a stock market crash or the next Facebook post about some new virus or bacteria that kills thousands. Your competitors (for your audience’s attention) are extremely tough as they are part of your audience’s habits, whilst you are not. Research suggests that audience attention will fade after 10 minutes. To arrest this ‘problem’, the best way is to vary your mode of delivery every 10 minutes – this eliminates boredom and adds a dose of freshness. Check out these other useful resources :

public speaking tips by 36 HR & Consultancy

4. Here are some suggestions on what you can VARY every 10 minutes when speaking publicly:
To improve your public speaking skills, learn to vary your Eye Contact – most beginners and even very seasoned speakers suffer from a eye contact blindspot, thus unintentionally ignoring a certain segment of your audience. Make it a point to give sufficient eye contact to every one.

In my Dynamic Public Speaking Course (Singapore & Malaysia), I also teach you to develop your executive presence to be an interesting public speaker. You can vary your facial expressions, body stance, gestures, movements, where you stand and how your stand.

How To Be An Interesting Public Speaker

In my Impactful Presentation Skills Training Workshop, I teach participants also how to vary their tonality – from pace to volume to using pauses (and yes, SILENCE!).

In my one-to-one personal Coaching on Public Speaking Training and Public Speaking Techniques, I also coach on the use of various media aids – from flip charts to sounds (MP3) to videos to powerpoint. Most people underutilise sounds and videos. Let me for eg show you one of my favourite short videos during my Dynamic Public Speaking Workshop is on why Steve Jobs is such a successful public speaker and how you can be coached on public speaking by watching his video here :

How to be an interesting public speaker tip - Tell a story - By 36 HR and Consultancy

5. Tell A Story.
The human mind is "hardwired" for story. The most effective public speakers not only tell stories well but use vivid visual imagery and emotions to hook the audience. The story must be simple, relatable. Share stories about famous people, or yourself, about a struggle or a problem that was solved. People connect to the emotions of stories, more so than facts.

How to be an effective Public Speaker Tip - Use Humour

6. Use humor.
Weave your jokes or humor into a small story or anecdote related to your topic. The best and most comfortable place to find humor comes from your own personal experience. Recall an embarrassing moment that you might not have found funny at the time. Look for humor in the foibles or dramas in your own daily life. If you have small children, listen to humorous things they say that might appeal to an audience as well.

How to be an impactful public speaker tip -live life differently at least once a month

7. Live Life Differently at least once a month.
Finally, to be an interesting public speaker, you can live through different life experiences so that you have more insights to share. One of the most popular tips in my Presentation Skills Training Workshop is :
Make a point to try something different at least once a month – for eg, try that guitar lesson you always wanted but didn’t have the time, or fly to London for the meeting of like minded people to support your favourite footballer. Or dare to hit the gym or the beach for beach volleyball. Maybe it’s helping the needy at social welfare events. Or maybe invest in the next Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations, or British Council Singapore or 36 HR Training & Consultancy Presentation Skills Training Singapore Course. Whatever it is, build your experiences, think about them, and your insights will grow and make you a more interesting speaker.

Contact 36 HR Training & Consultancy at affordable rates today for an in-house Presentation Skills Training Workshop, in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam or Thailand, or for the next public run of the Dynamic Public Speaking Course Singapore.

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